Breege O’Donoghue

Primark Ambassador

Breege is a former Board Member & Group Director for Business Development & New Markets at Primark, and after 37 years, now continues in an ambassadorial role. Breege is a Trustee of The Primark Pension Plan.

A graduate of UCD, and a Chartered Director, Breege is currently Member of Hillsborough Castle Board, Chair of Carroll Estates Dublin Ltd, Chair of Real World Analytics, Non-Executive Director of Shaw & Sons Ltd, Member of the UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School Irish Advisory Board, Member of the Outside Appointments Board (Civil Service Code of Standards and Behaviour), and Member of Presidents Campaign Cabinet, Technological University Dublin.

Breege has held government appointed positions; Board Member of a number of state companies including An Post and Aer Rianta, Chair of The Business and Human Rights Implementation Group*, Chair of Shannon College of Hotel Management, Chair of the Labour Relations Commission, has been a Trustee and a Council Member of the National Executive of IBEC**, and was the first Chair of Retail Ireland, a specialised retail structure within IBEC.

*Department of Foreign Affairs. **Irish Business Employers Confederation.